Tutor - must love kids, love to play and let them

Tutor - must love kids, love to play and let them

this task:

Reading is based on mastering certain core concepts. These concepts are embedded in the games so you don't have to know them. You will have a site coordinator who will evaluate the child and tell you which game to play. You will write what you saw while playing and if the game was too easy, too hard or just right. This information is turned into the site coordinator and passed on to the next tutor. Your tutor team will debrief afterwards.

In general, you get the same children each week for 30 minutes and usually you get 3 students total each day you volunteer.

How it increases happiness

Reading is a gateway skill. The better you read the better paying job you get and the longer you keep it. The kids we tutor are low income and the are often recruited into gangs because they have no other options.

Give them this gateway skill and a future they never dreamed of opens up to them. You will literally be - Saving Lives One Reader At A Time.

Steps to complete the task

Simply go to this URL https://form.jotform.com/233303987906060 and fill it out. Karen will contact you.

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