How are we trying
to increase happiness?

Making it easy for people to help
Many people want to do good, but it's not easy to find out how. We aim to make transparent what charities need (it's not always money!) and how to help them. For that, anybody can create and work on tasks for free.

Finding the most
effective ways of giving
We believe that effective giving is a science. By providing a theoretical framework and platform for discussions we aim to get insights into what should be done for maximum impact.

Taking the holistic view
Everything that increases happiness should be in scope – from helping humans in need, preventing animal suffering, debating ethical everyday questions and potentially even .

Working together
We don’t work in isolation, but collaborate with fantastic organizations like Effective Altruism, GiveWell, Charity Navigator, Animal Charity Evaluators, 80000 Hours, The Life You Can Save and many others. Joining forces provides best chances for maximum impact.