Promote LGBTQ+ wellbeing via parent education

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Promote LGBTQ+ wellbeing via parent education

this task:

Mama Dragons stands as a beacon of support and empowerment for over 10,000 mothers of LGBTQ children. Through peer-led support groups, educational resources, and parenting classes, Mama Dragons provides a nurturing community where mothers learn to accept, affirm, and celebrate their LGBTQ children.

The mission is clear: to support, educate, and empower mothers on their journey of understanding and embracing the identities of their LGBTQ children. With a vision for a world where all mothers fiercely love, affirm, and advocate for their LGBTQ children, Mama Dragons plays a crucial role in fostering healthy families and building a more inclusive and affirming society.

You may find more information about the organization at

How it increases happiness

Donating to Mama Dragons contributes directly to the organization's mission of supporting, educating, and empowering mothers of LGBTQ children. Financial contributions enable Mama Dragons to expand and enhance their peer-led support groups, educational resources, and parenting classes, reaching more mothers and families in need.

These funds may also support outreach initiatives, creating a broader impact by fostering understanding and acceptance within communities.

Steps to complete the task

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